Luther and Theresa were born in Beaufort, South Carolina, but did not become acquainted until high school. Theresa cast her eyes on Luther in Junior High School, but didn’t know his name. Luther became captain of the high school football team and Theresa was not satisfied with just casting her eyes on him. As the song says, “Getting to know you; getting to know all about you…”
When Luther became captain, Theresa got to know more about him, and he, about her. After graduation, Theresa entered Wilberforce University. Meanwhile, Luther went seeking adventures in upstate New York. As the proverb says, “Absence makes the heart grow fonder.” The two realized that they wanted to spend the rest of their lives together. They were united in Holy Matrimony and the “two” became “one.” Joining hand in hand and walking over pitfalls, hills, and valleys, they made it.
The Lord blessed them with their first daughter, Shanita, then second daughter, Shantill. In 1973, Sister Rosetta Haynes became the babysitter for these two little girls, not knowing this was the leading of the Lord. Sister Haynes invited Theresa to the Rehoboth Bethel Church.
After three visits, Sister Washington was convinced that she needed Christ in her life, had received the Holy Ghost and was baptized in Jesus’ Name.
The word says the unbelieving husband may be saved by the chaste conversation of the wife. Luther saw the change made by God in his wife, came to Rehoboth in 1974 and received the Holy Ghost and was baptized in Jesus; name. They continued walking hand in hand with the Holy Ghost now to lead and guide them. In 1977 their first son, Luther, Jr. was born; 1979, Brian their second son, and in 1981 Troy, their third son was born; the union of child bearing was complete. Still hand in hand they went on to become Deacon and Deaconess Washington.
Deacon Washington was anointed to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ and became a minister; Deaconess Washington, a Missionary. Minister Washington became an ordained Elder, then on to become Assistant Pastor. Missionary Washington became a preacher of the Gospel, Prophetess, President of the Choir, and Vice President of the Missionary Department. After the death of our beloved Pastor, Bishop R.O. Murray, it was declared by God, the Board of Directors and members, that Elder Washington would be Pastor of the Rehoboth Bethel Church.
The two are still walking hand in hand, walking together to minister unto the saints of God. Bishop Murray finished his course in 1992, but we believe that, every now and then, the Lord gives him a glimpse of what has taken place in Rehoboth and he rejoiced that his work of labor and of love is still going on and he, along with a great cloud of witnesses, is cheering us on saying:
Stay in the race, Stay in the race for the race is not over until your team has won!
Written by the late Pastor Bobbitt
Isaiah 54:14,17
Psalms 27
Psalms 91
Believers and their families are protected.
Job 22:27-28 Proverbs 18:27 Romans 4:17
Trouble Won't Last Always. We declare an utter end to it!
Matthew 9:38
II Cor. 4:3-5 Romans 10:13
Many people will be saved, and the backslidden will return to the Lord.
Romans 8:26
Jude 20
Pray in the spirit throughout the day.
Luke 6:38
II Cor. 9:6-8
Ecclesiastes 11:6
Proverbs 3:5
We will continue to sow our seed and trust Jehovah Jireh as our provider.
3 John 2:1-2
Isaiah 54:17
Medical professionals and all essential workers to remain safe and healthy.
Colossians 4:3
Hebrews 13:1
John 16:13
Bishop Washington, Evangelist Washington, and all spiritual leaders to remain faith strong and continue to led by Holy Spirit to instruct the people.
Luke 10:19
Acts 10:38
3 John 1:2
Those who are ill will make a full recovery.
Ephesians 1:15-23
Front line generals in the body of Christ are covered.
Hebrews 2:4
Signs, wonders, and miracles shall be broadcast globally.